Superbowl Squares Grid
Note: Note: On smaller screens, scroll to the right to see hidden columns. Scroll down to see all grids.
$5 Grid
Sports Junkies NFL Playoff Squares - $5 per square. Total Prize Money: $500 | |||||||||||
NFC | |||||||||||
Random Numbers | 6 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 9 | 8 | 0 | 2 | 7 | 5 | |
AFC | 3 | Sam’s Bams | Clubb | Master Dante | Smitty's TD | Brady’s 43 yrs old | The moose | The moose | Right Up There | Winner 1st Quarter TB 12= 7 Rings | Gordon Jones |
0 | Spittin' Chiclets | Sam’s Bams | TB 12= 7 Rings | Clubb | Victorious Secret | Master Dante | Right Up There | Smitty's TD | Gordon Jones | The moose | |
4 | Clubb | Spittin' Chiclets | Sam’s Bams | TB 12= 7 Rings | Smitty's TD | Right Up There | SK27 | Gordon Jones | Woodbridge Wiseguys | T & S | |
2 | Trotters | Clubb | Spittin' Chiclets | Sam’s Bams | Right Up There | TB 12= 7 Rings | Grant Armstrong | Gordon Jones | Trotters | Trotters | |
7 | TB 12= 7 Rings | Trotters | Right Up There | Spittin' Chiclets | Spittin' Chiclets | Grant Armstrong | Woodbridge Wiseguys | Brady's Bunch 2 | Smitty's TD | Victorious Secret | |
1 | The moose | Right Up There | SK27 | SK27 | Grant Armstrong | Spittin' Chiclets | TB 12= 7 Rings | T & S | Brady’s 43 yrs old | The moose | |
6 | The moose | Victorious Secret | Right Up There | Winner 2nd Quarter Grant Armstrong | Rockets | Brady's Bunch 2 | Brad Branch | Master Dante | The moose | TB 12= 7 Rings | |
8 | TB 12= 7 Rings | Brady’s 43 yrs old | Rockets | Right Up There | Master Dante | SK27 | Smitty's TD | Brad Branch | Brady's Bunch 2 | The moose | |
9 | The moose | Rockets | Brady's Bunch 2 | Winner 3rd & 4th Quarter Victorious Secret | Right Up There | T & S | Brady’s 43 yrs old | TB 12= 7 Rings | Brad Branch | The moose | |
5 | Rockets | Master Dante | The moose | The moose | TB 12= 7 Rings | Right Up There | The moose | Victorious Secret | T & S | Brad Branch | |
PRIZE PER QUARTER: 1st Quarter: $50, 2nd Quarter $100, 3rd Quarter $50, 4th Quarter: $300 |

Superbowl Squares Grid
Note: Note: On smaller screens, scroll to the right to see hidden columns. Scroll down to see all grids.
$10 Grid
Sports Junkies NFL Playoff Squares - $10 per square. Total Prize Money: $1000 | |||||||||||
NFC | |||||||||||
Random Numbers | 3 | 1 | 9 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 0 | 2 | 8 | 7 | |
AFC | 3 | GoChiefs | The Moose | Brady's Bunch | TB12 = 7 RINGS | CRM | Master Dante | Spttin' Chiclets | Brad Branch | Gordon Jones | Winner 1st Quarter Bluakie |
6 | Master Dante | Winner 2nd Quarter Harry Wanker | T & S | Woodbridge Wiseguys | Phil B Lucky | Popeye | Jimmy's Boys | Sam Watt | Bluakie | TB12 = 7 RINGS | |
9 | CRM | Winner 3rd & 4th Quarter TB12 = 7 RINGS | Harry Wanker | Mighty Pups | GoChiefs | Phil B Lucky | T & S | Bluakie | Rockets | Grant Armstrong | |
2 | Jimmy's Boys | Brad Branch | The Lorda's | TB12 = 7 RINGS | Smitty's TD | Mighty Pups | Bluakie | The Moose | Master Dante | GoChiefs | |
7 | TB12 = 7 RINGS | The Lorda's | GoChiefs | T & S | Master Dante | Bluakie | The Lorda's | Mighty Pups | Harry Wanker | Rockets | |
4 | Phil B Lucky | Grant Armstrong | Woodbridge Wiseguys | The Moose | Bluakie | Brady's 43 yrs old | Mighty Pups | Harry Wanker | TB12 = 7 RINGS | Jimmy's Boys | |
5 | Gordon Jones | Smitty's TD | TB12 = 7 RINGS | Bluakie | Brady's 43 yrs old | The Moose | Harry Wanker | Popeye | T & S | Brad Branch | |
1 | Sam Watt | Gordon Jones | Bluakie | Brady's 43 yrs old | TB12 = 7 RINGS | Brady's Bunch | GoChiefs | Sam Watt | Rockets | CRM | |
8 | Grant Armstrong | Bluakie | Sam Watt | Woodbridge Wiseguys | Jimmy's Boys | TB12 = 7 RINGS | The Moose | Smitty's TD | Phil B Lucky | Spttin' Chiclets | |
0 | Bluakie | Rockets | Gordon Jones | Brad Branch | CRM | Spttin' Chiclets | Grant Armstrong | TB12 = 7 RINGS | Spttin' Chiclets | Master Dante | |
PRIZE PER QUARTER: 1st Quarter: $150, 2nd Quarter $200, 3rd Quarter $150, 4th Quarter: $500 |

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